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Bagaimana menyikapi pengalaman pertama naskah ditolak jurnal?

Mempublikasikan artikel pada jurnal ilmiah menjadi suatu tuntutan bagi siapa saja yang berkecimpung di akademia, termasuk mahasiswa pascasarjana. Lal…

Obesity and taste bud loss: a phenomena that you need to know

Stem cells exhibit lipid droplet accumulation during differentiation, closely mimicking the fat cell (adipocyte) (DDC) It's been a while since my…

Mari Bicara Tentang Wagyu Beef (yang Mungkin Anda Belum Tahu)

Daging Tottori Wagyu dengan kandungan asam oleat tinggi ( ). Siapa yang tidak kenal daging wagyu? Tentu masyarakat sudah banyak yang …

Not A Scientific Report: 7th International Symposium of AJIVE in Makassar-Indonesia

Recently I participated in the 7th International Symposium of the Association of Japan and Indonesia Veterinary Education  (AJIVE). This symposium is…

A random note from scientific meeting

Participating in a scientific forums is a must for those who work in academia I decided to write this blog post as I think it would be nice to share.…

Apakah semua hewan memiliki ekor fungsional?

Beberapa waktu lalu, saya membaca artikel di berjudul  "Mengapa hewan memiliki ekor?" . Artikel tersebut merupakan terj…

Ugui-tsuki, a traditional fish-catching method practiced in Tottori Area

Once again, on Sunday (10/02/2022), I participated in a cultural event about Ugui-tsuki (うぐい突き) held by local community in Ketaka Town, a rural area…

Threat of Feral Cats to Native-Endangered Species on the Island

Feral cat potential as an invasive alien species Recently, studies about invasive mammal species in the urban wildlife publications across the globe …

Fuse no Shimizu: Story of Tono People Who Live in Harmony with Nature

S unday (June 5, 2022) was a sunny day when we had an extracurricular activity organized by International Affairs Division (IAD) office,  Tottori Un…

Bagaimana Mahasiswa Kedokteran Hewan di Jepang Belajar Anatomi Veteriner?

B arangkali ada yang bertanya-tanya, seperti apa pendidikan dokter hewan di Jepang? atau bagaimana pembelajaran anatomi veteriner di Jepang? Nah, khu…

Pembelajaran Anatomi Veteriner Berbasis Teknologi Virtual Reality

P andemi Covid-19 nampaknya memberikan dampak tidak hanya dalam hal kesehatan dan ekonomi, tetapi hampir semua sektor, termasuk pendidikan. Pembatasa…