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Obesity and taste bud loss: a phenomena that you need to know

Stem cells exhibit lipid droplet accumulation during differentiation, closely mimicking the fat cell (adipocyte) (DDC) It's been a while since my…

Mari Bicara Tentang Wagyu Beef (yang Mungkin Anda Belum Tahu)

Daging Tottori Wagyu dengan kandungan asam oleat tinggi ( ). Siapa yang tidak kenal daging wagyu? Tentu masyarakat sudah banyak yang …

Not A Scientific Report: 7th International Symposium of AJIVE in Makassar-Indonesia

Recently I participated in the 7th International Symposium of the Association of Japan and Indonesia Veterinary Education  (AJIVE). This symposium is…

A random note from scientific meeting

Participating in a scientific forums is a must for those who work in academia I decided to write this blog post as I think it would be nice to share.…

Apakah semua hewan memiliki ekor fungsional?

Beberapa waktu lalu, saya membaca artikel di berjudul  "Mengapa hewan memiliki ekor?" . Artikel tersebut merupakan terj…

Ugui-tsuki, a traditional fish-catching method practiced in Tottori Area

Once again, on Sunday (10/02/2022), I participated in a cultural event about Ugui-tsuki (うぐい突き) held by local community in Ketaka Town, a rural area…

Threat of Feral Cats to Native-Endangered Species on the Island

Feral cat potential as an invasive alien species Recently, studies about invasive mammal species in the urban wildlife publications across the globe …

Fuse no Shimizu: Story of Tono People Who Live in Harmony with Nature

S unday (June 5, 2022) was a sunny day when we had an extracurricular activity organized by International Affairs Division (IAD) office,  Tottori Un…

Bagaimana Mahasiswa Kedokteran Hewan di Jepang Belajar Anatomi Veteriner?

B arangkali ada yang bertanya-tanya, seperti apa pendidikan dokter hewan di Jepang? atau bagaimana pembelajaran anatomi veteriner di Jepang? Nah, khu…

Pembelajaran Anatomi Veteriner Berbasis Teknologi Virtual Reality

P andemi Covid-19 nampaknya memberikan dampak tidak hanya dalam hal kesehatan dan ekonomi, tetapi hampir semua sektor, termasuk pendidikan. Pembatasa…

Sains: Upaya Destruktif terhadap Ajaran Tauhid?

Bismillahirrahmanirrahi m , tulisan ini merupakan pandangan yang secara singkat mengulas masalah sains dan agama (Islam), dari perspektif akademisi. …